Clothing constitutes to basic necessity of any human being. Clothing is colorful and diverse and it varies according to region and region. Cloths protect us from harsh weather and insects and other environmental factors. Thus, clothing is moreover seen as a sign of evaluation of mankind. Clothing reflects the social status of the individual and the society he belongs. Clothing and apparel in modern society has bought wide range of looks and specific styles. Taste for different kinds of fabrics and thousands of shades that give sense of comfort to every individual. Clothes are made up of different materials like cotton, silk and jute. The basic apparel for women consists of sari along with a piece of long unstitched fabric that is wrapped around the waist and draped over the shoulders. A typical sari can be up to nine yards. Many teenagers wear jeans or dresses. In large cities professionals wear trousers and shirts when working in office settings. Children in general especially boys usually wear western clothing.