Hotel is a place or establishment providing accommodation and meals for payment for people who are on travel. Hotel is place where a traveler can receive food and shelter and thus any individual is in a position to pay for his entertainment, accommodation and other services. During travel for any other traveler hotel is a home away from home, where the modern amenities and facilities are are available on payment basis. Hotel rooms are categorized as Normal, Deluxe, Executive, Suite, Deluxe suite and Presidential suite. Earlier Dharmashalas were the main places to stay in for the pilgrims, Churches, Cathedrals and Buddhist monasteries were providing facilities to the pilgrims. Inns and Taverns (types of hotels) emerged on the seen were doing well. The first Tavern, a type of restaurant came into being in 1634 in the U.S.A. The Hotel emerged from these Taverns. A tendency amongst the people has developed to stay and eat outside. Hotels encourage such “Eat out and Stay” habit of the people. Henceforth both national and international tourism have provided wonderful playing ground for the development of hotel industry.