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Maps Directory

A flat representation of the earth's surface or part of it can be termed as a map. Throughout history maps have been used for survey and record territory, plot routes, and reflect our knowledge of the world's geography. Many of the principle's used in modern mapping were laid out by classical Greek geographers. The first map was made in Babylon in about 2500 B.C. Map making was revolutionized in the 15th century the explorers, who increased their knowledge of the size and geography of the globe. Most maps use a similar range of symbols known as conventions, which are instantly recognizable. Maps are of different types to include they are city maps, satellite maps, road maps. The main conventions are colours and symbols. Maps are used for different reasons, and their style varies according to their purpose. Some are used to find routes; others record settlements and land divisions. Satellite maps record landscapes, features of the parts of the earth's surface. Over time, new discoveries in mathematics, astronomy, and space technology have transformed map making.

Website Listings

Public domain and free maps of the world. Easy zoom in and out for detailed viewing. Available in 30 different languages. More Details

Google Maps

Online map service and location finder. Features dynamic, draggable maps and directions, as well as satellite imagery by region.

Map Quest

offers Internet, wireless and business mapping applications that help people find places and show customers how to find their business locations.


One-stop service on Maps. Multi language global mapping service with political, physical, topographic and blank maps together with flags and place information. More Details

Online store offering digital and paper worldwide maps, atlases, driving directions, and more.


Collection of maps of the world. Provides physical, political, outline and interactive maps along with flags and descriptions all around the world. More Details

Yahoo! Maps and Driving Directions

Features online mapping, driving directions, and traffic.

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