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Woman Entrepreneur Directory

An entrepreneur is one who innovates, raises funds, assembles inputs, undertakes risks, bears uncertainties and also performs managerial functions of decision making and co-ordination. Women entrepreneur are the women or group of women entrepreneurs who initiate, organize and operate a business enterprise with having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the employment generated to the enterprise of women. Majority of these entrepreneurs lives in cities and are engaged in medium and large scale units and non-tradition establishments like electronics, engineering and services. The entrepreneurs are individuals who are motivated to satisfy a need for achievement in innovative and creative activities. The reward for an entrepreneur is profit which is highly uncertain.

Website Listings

Asian Women in Business

A non profit, tax exempted organization dedicated towards Asian women entrepreneurs. Provides business library,calendar of events, membership and other resources.

Business Women Unite

Provides access to articles, interactive ways to increase business, business tools and sharing experts ideas online.

National Association of Women Business Owners

A association that promotes the interests of women entrepreneurs in every type of business via networking, education, public advocacy and resources.


A socially committed enterprise that encourages women in various aspects such as leadership development, access to professional development and supporting to work with influential leaders.

Women Unlimited

Provides information for women who are thinking about starting their own business and grow their existing business and take it to the next level.

Provides comprehensive small business resource and list of links for women entrepreneurs.

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