Business is an indispensable part of life. The scope of business has become very wide. Business is a system created to satisfy society's needs and desires. Thus, business being treated as society's blood and life activity; it has to be carried out with certain standardized ethics. Henceforth, every business must possess a dress code for their employee's and employers to create a sense of oneness and relate themselves to their business environment. An apparel item is anything that one puts on one's body for the purpose of protecting oneself from environmental ill forces. The examples of apparel include following items like clothing shoes, hats, gloves, and scarves. A feature of apparel consists, a category encompassing a wide variety of materials that cover the body. Apparel performs important social and cultural functions. A uniform is a best suited example, which may identify civil authority figures, such as police and army personnel, or it may identify team or group personnel's. In certain societies, norms are being formed regarding apparel and thus it reflects standards of modesty, religion, gender, and social status.