Dominica is the largest country and the most mountainous of the Windward Islands and has a total area of 754 million Sq. Kilometer. It is a home to 73,000 people and the languages the people speak are French and English. The monetary unit of Dominica is Caribbean dollar. Nearly one-third of the labor force works in agriculture, coconuts, and bananas are the principle export products and dominate Dominica's economy; prawn farming is proving successful. Education is made mandatory for the age group between 5 and 16. Practical training in technical and electrical engineering, plumbing, general business, auto mechanics, agriculture, and construction is offered in technical and vocational studies. Dominica has some of the finest scenery in the Caribbean, with its rainforests containing 200 wildlife species. Dominica is an around year destination spot, the dry season starts from February to April and the rainy season runs from June to October. The spring months, from February to April, are the driest.