Music is an art. Music is a Medium of sound. Common elements of music are pitch and its governed melody and harmony. The word music derived from Greek word “mousike”, meaning the art of the Music. Rhythm is associated with concepts like tempo, meter, and articulation, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Musicology is the study related to the subject of music. Music to an extent has a great impact on human beings life. Music is a source of entertainment, which the gets the human brain to the state of relaxation. Music was an important part of cultural and social life. The inventions of the radio and gramophone brought professional music into the home for first time. Generally music is for group performance, which is known to entertainment. Indian classical music is based on sets of notes called “ragas” and “rhythmic” patterns are known “talas”. The musical instruments create mild music, which spreads harmony, peaceful situation and creates pleasant environment altogether. Music has many different fundamentals or elements.