Humanity's highly developed ability to communicate verbally. To communicate verbally is every individual's essence. Without our tremendous vocabulary, humans would perhaps be not much better off than the monkeys and gorillas. Any language is taken granted since it is a basic characteristic. But it is, for all its universality, among the most powerful of human tools. Language is the one tool that informs, persuades queries, expresses emotions, and allows transmission of complex ideas and data's. The computers programs include special coding that can in some sense be meant as language. Translation of any languages is interpreting of the meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent text. Language translation is that which communicates the same message in another language. The art of translation is as old as written literature. Translation of languages has played an important role in history. The developments of the industrial revolution have influenced the practice of language translation among the individuals. Thus, languages translation and interpretation have played an important role in the evolution of languages and cultures.