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Teaching Directory

Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young impressionable students or children's, with this responsibility comes a great pride. Therefore, teaching is a profession that is related to godliness. In a teaching profession, the teacher encourages their students to do the best, while at the same time trying to make learning and their teaching interesting as well as creative. A positive and negative attitude from a teacher can have a great influence on the life of the child. Any teacher especially at the elementary level must be creative with their teaching styles, workshops and these activities are good ways to encourage different types of learning and cultivate creative habits in each and every student. A teacher must ensure that they let the children to choose which activity interests them and in which they want to participate, thus by making students take control on their own education. An efficient teacher knows the subject content they plan to teach, and thus by knowing in depth about the subject matter and can make teaching more interesting by making clearer presentations and even recognize student's difficulty more readily. Thus an effective teacher can teach and make a student understand anything and everything under the sun by answering questions without having to be vague with their questions.

Website Listings

Connex Education

Located in England Offers Supply Teacher Recruitment Agency.

Institute for Learning and Research Technology

A national education center use of current technology-based methods in coaching, learning and research.

National Archives

Educational web portal of the UK Government's National Archive and considered for teachers and students.


Offers teaching and knowledge resources, administration tools, job advice and an education overview.

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