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Stock Market Directory

A stock market or a share market is popularly known as “public market” for the trading of company stock and derivations at an agreed price. It is a market or network of economic transactions not a physical facility. The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36.6 billion US in 2008. The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 billion nominal value, 11 times the size of the entire world economy. The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchange which are entities of a corporation or mutual organizations specialized in the business of bringing buyers & sellers of the organization to a listing of stocks and securities together. The ownership of shares is documented by issuance of a stock certificate. Stock certificate is a legal document that specifies the amount of shares owned by the share holder and other details like per value or the class of the shares. The stock market in the United States is “NYSE” while in Canada it is the "Toronto of stock exchange" include the “London stock Exchange” , “Paris Bourse “ and the “ Deutsehe Borse ”. Asian stock Exchange include the “ Tokyo Stock Exchange”, the “ Hong Kong Stock Exchange “, the “ Bombay Stock Exchange “ and the “ Karachi Stock Exchange” . In Latin America, there are such exchange as the “BM&F Bouespa and the BMV”. The stock or capital stock of a business entity represents the original capital paid into or invested in the business. Stock is distinct from the property and the assests of a business which may fluctuate in quality & value.

Website Listings

Australian Stock Exchange

Provides company information, share prices, market performance, news and more.

Bombay Stock Exchange

Offers stock quotes, indices, stock exchanges, public issue information, corporate filings, and other trading information.

Colombo Stock Exchange

Provides information on stocks and shares with a live ticker.

Fat Prophets Australian Stock Market Reports

Provides stock market reports,investing shares and stock tips for the Australia.

New York Stock Exchange

Provides news, current data and other information from official website of NYSE.

Rediff Money

Leading finance site for latest share prices, mutual funds, nifty futures and options, graphs, expert stock calls and share market updates.


Providing real time data to investors since 2004, including message boards and free members area. Get up to date share prices, stock news, data tools and more. More Details

Stock Market Data-CNNMoney

Offers stock market coverage with breaking news, analysis, stock quotes, before & after hours market data, research and earnings.

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