Timor is an Island that can be located in South East Asia. Timor Leste lies between the latitude is 8o 50' South and 125o 55' East respectively. This country relays' on agriculture for their livelihood and their meal constitute rice, corn, cassava, vegetables, fruits and legumes. The main meat added in their diet is fish and pork. Coffee is the cash crop and accounts for ninety per cent of the country's exports. The mountains, beaches and landscape's attract thousands of tourists to this country and some of the sightseeing spots and attractions are Oecussi old fort, Lifau, Areia Branca beach, Atauro Island. Trekking and mountaineering in Ainaro district and Trekking in Mount Matebian and Loelacco Mountain. Dili is the capital city and the main port of Timor Leste and the currency of this country is known as United States Dollar.