Crime is an act committed in violation of law for which punishment is imposed on convection. Crime some times can be termed as unlawful activity a serious offense especially in violation towards morality. Crime is a activity that effects everyone and any one. People those who commit crime are of all gender, color, ethnicity. Crime effects all town, cities, states, and countries, even though many places are significant in matters of crime that takes place therein. Crime happens all over the world every second, every day. Thus, creating numerous victims. Crime victims are all around us even though; we may not know it or think about it. Crimes may be of different kinds which may include economic crimes, political crimes, crimes of passion and organized crime. Crimes are usually grouped according to the seriousness of the offense and according to the motives of the offenders. Thus for centuries, the one plague that human civilization faces is a disease that has no evident cure “Crime”. The nature of crime however deals with the motives and causes of crime which has no clear cut explanations.