The study of history is an attempt by people today to understand the lives of individuals in the past but not every piece of historical evidence survive to the present day and that which does not survive can sometimes be interpreted in many different ways. Historians are those people who study history who look at the primary resources such as writings, artifacts that have survived and tried to piece together a realistic picture of life in the previous years. Many societies know their own history even though they have not been written. Whatever, we know on history is based on material evidence such as buildings, roads, tools, art works and clothes, written works are those of books. All these sources provide valuable information of the past societies and the people who created those. All primary sources of records whether photographic or written needs be a carefully studied because they may be biased. Hence that is illustrating a subjective personal viewpoint .Thus as a result history is complex and sometimes commercial subject that excites considerable debate among the both historians & non historians.