In all societies throughout the history people have felt the need for their own religion. A religion may be defined as a set of beliefs that relies on spiritual faith in its followers. Almost every religion have god or gods that these religions provide answers to questions such as how the world has created and what happens after death. Every religion has a magnificent rituals that act as a way of communicating with gods with devotion and marking major events in an individual life. There are 6 major organized world religions - CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM, HINDUISM, BUDDHISM, JAINISM & SIKHISM and many other sub religions .For many individuals religion provides moral guidance a sense that life has a meaning & feeling of value shared in a community. All religions involves rituals and an important purpose of these ceremonies is to communicate with gods. Reading sacred books, meditating are found in different religions to bring the faith of followers into closer contact with the world of the spirits. In many religions believes that giving offering including human sacrifices. Finally religions usually involve an ethical code, a set of rules that believers try to live by. Yet in some places, religions conflict has lead to war.