Social science is a branch of academic scholarship which explores aspects of human society. The history of social sciences begins in the roots of ancient philosophy. Social science may refer either to the specific sciences of society established by many social thinkers. Social sciences include anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, political science, psychology, and sociology. Most of the social sciences require a lot of research, such as making surveys and such research is called “Social research”. All human are born into a society of one from another, and live within society, but their behavior, tastes, interactions, preferences differ from others. The social science disciplines are branches of knowledge which are thought and researched at the college or university level .social science is a field of study usually has several subject, disciplines or branches. The social science is at times criticized as being less rigorous than others natural sciences. The word social science tend to be comprised more frequently by politics. Since, results from social sciences may threaten certain centers of power in society, particularly which fund the RESEARCH INSTITUTION. Further the complexity exceeds the problems, since the observed social data may be the result of factors which are hard to evaluate in isolation. Perhaps it is argued that the social world is much too complex to be studied, researched & understand.